Create a virtual reality lab template that can be used to develop virtual labs for staff. The template serves as a way for future developers for the ATI VR Lab to be able to make Virtual Labs within a short time (< 2 weeks) frame, on demand for professors of different departments. The template had to be highly flexible and modular to account for the different departments at CSUSB.
- Created in Unity using the Unity XR system and is designed for multiple VR devices.
- Supports standing and room scale VR depending on the need.
- Created a new interaction system and control handler that allows for both hands to be able to teleport and interact with world objects.
- Created an Interactive Tablet system that gives students lab information, texts, and images in-game. It also supported multiple choice questions for testing student knowledge that is then saved and exported via JSON for grading.
- Integrated fluid simulation to allow for the chemistry department to experiment with chemical mixing.